Sunday, August 28, 2011

{maternity} wind, waves and water

Fellow photographers: ever have a shoot that was just...on?  A session that gave you tingles as you worked? This was that shoot for me.

The scenery was beautiful.  We met at Port Stanley beach two hours before sunset on a day that called for rain, but never actually rained. The sky was full of ominous clouds with sun-rays peaking through...oh, and did I mention the rainbow?  So cool.  The family was so fun to work with.  Sylvia is a beautiful woman and was, along with her eager hubby Gerald, up for anything! The kids are adorable and so well behaved, they made it so easy to get great shots.

I had the best time at this shoot and am so glad we didn't have to reschedule due to rain. I know Gerald and Sylvia are equally as glad, since their new baby was born two days later! 

Welcome Rowan Alexander! You are the newest part of a wonderful family.  You are going to have so much fun!

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