I am making it my personal goal to make this a computer- and internet-free Christmas, spending as much quality time as possible with my family and friends, relaxing, unwinding and enjoying our home to the fullest. If I'm able to accomplish it (and I really hope I can!) this means that I will not be reading or responding to emails before Jan. 6. If you absolutely need to get a hold of me before then, please call and leave a message at 519-631-3424 and I will do my best to call you back asap.
I think the much needed family stay-cation will be good for Captivating too, as I gear up for what I just know will be an amazing and inspiring 2012!!
Thank you to all my wonderful clients, followers, family and friends who have made this year such a success. I love what I do, and I couldn't do it without you! Your support and love mean so much to me, more than you can know!
An extra-special, huge, love-fest thank you to my hubby Cam: Thank you for putting up with my spaciness (“Sorry, I wasn’t listening, I was trying to decide what aperture/shutter speed combo I would use in this lighting situation.”), my bossiness (“I need the ladder, your rake and this pile of blankets put into the back of the van in the next two minutes!”) and my mood swings (“Don’t you love this shot? Though it would have been better if I had taken it from a better angle…do you think the client will like it? Ugh, I suck don’t I??”. Thank you for being my cheerleader and my rock. ♥
From our family to yours, I hope you all have a beautiful Christmas and a wonderful New Years! God Bless!
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